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Oak Point Associates designed a stand-alone administration facility at the Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge in Baring, Maine.  The new, approximately 3,185 square foot facility relocated the administrative offices to a more desirable location within the Refuge, as well as provides visitor contact services and restroom facilities for a small number of visitors.  The new facility was based on the national standard for stand-alone administration facilities developed under a previous project by Oak Point Associates.

Three potential sites for the new facility were evaluated for their suitability to accommodate the architectural program, as well as a small number of parking spaces, while minimizing earthwork and not disturbing existing woodcock habitat.  Since the view from the facility was an important consideration, the site that was ultimately selected was on the top of a rise, along an existing vehicular access route.

The single-story facility includes offices for Refuge staff, conference room space, reception area, storage and utility space.  Because of the cold climate in which the facility is located, the building was designed with an aggressively insulated envelope.  It also features a closed loop geothermal heating and cooling system, photovoltaic roof panels, water conserving plumbing fixtures, and low emitting, non-toxic finishes.

Client: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
  • Vernacular Architecture
  • Site Selection
  • Geothermal heating and cooling