Lincolnville was awarded a major capital improvements project by the State of Maine for a new Kindergarten to Grade 8 school after the existing K-8 facility was closed due to the extensive presence of mold throughout the building. The new school, which is situated on the same property as the previous school, is a 47,000 square foot building that accommodates more students, addresses changes in technology, and better reflects the educational program of the school department.
As one of the state’s first “high performance schools”, emphasis was placed on the energy-efficient design of the building’s shell. Oak Point Associates took advantage of the site’s southern exposure by employing clerestory windows, allowing natural light into interior spaces. Structural, insulated panels accelerated the pace of construction and provided a highly efficient building envelope.
Being able to utilize the existing site had many advantages, including the proximity to adjacent town-owned ball fields, utilization of existing vehicular entrances, and cost savings of not having to acquire property. Additionally, the site is located within Lincolnville Center, so the new school fosters civic presence in the community.
The gymnasium’s intricate design and large trusses provide visual depth and interest, and the gym’s lighting, structure and architectural elements were carefully integrated by the design team. The library has a curved glass wall, letting natural light into the reading area. Project rooms allow for one-on-one learning and small group projects. These rooms have large windows with borrowed lights to classroom spaces for direct teacher supervision.